Disk type filters
Disc type filter is a kind of vacuum filters and its function is based on incorporating a number of discs into the rotating shields. The disks are formed by putting some pedals together. This filter is used for removing impurities of water in ranges of 100, 130, 100, 50 and 20micron. Disc type filter is a new solution in water filtration. High filtration speed. Low occupied volume and low-cost are among its advantages. It is mostly used in fertilizer tanks for agricultural and drip irrigation purposes. This kind of filter is made from high-density polyethylene. Disk filter is to able to provide a filtration surface of 1.8 to 315 cubic meters based on the size and number of the disks. The sheets of the filter disks can be made from textile or ceramic. Disc filter consists of: textile or ceramic sheets, main chassis, agitator, vacuum system, cleaning and controlling system. Vacuum ceramic disc type filter is a completely automatic device, containing holes in micrometer which can separate solid particles from liquid ones by vacuum solution. This filter has very narrow grooves on the plastic discs that separate and keep the very minute particles of water till the process of reverse rinsing. During reverse rinsing process, the particles are washed away. Disk filter are used in drip irrigation to filter the biological substances and floating particles from water.
Characteristics of disc type filters:
- Ease of operation
- Ease of installation: the filter is presented complete and prepared to connect to the inlet and outlet water system.
- High efficiency: the filtration is of high efficiency due to the special design and appropriate number of filters.
- Low pressure drop: sufficient number of filters and the special design avoid high pressure drop.
- Resistance to corrosion